uploads/money spinner.jpg

money spinner (傳說爬到身上就會使人走運的)財喜小蜘蛛;投機[放債]發...


English tuition is now a major money spinner in malaysia and is estimated to be a multi - million - ringgit industry , especially in the malay heartland states , where english language centres are mushrooming 英文教學現在可是馬來西亞最大的搖錢樹,估計這個行業有好幾百萬的潛力,特別是馬來西亞幾個心臟地帶的州,那兒英語中心如雨后春筍般成立。

If you are always on the look out for a money spinner , sometimes you ' ll find them pop up in the most unlikely of places 如果你總是在尋找一種印鈔票,有時你就會發現他們在最不可能出現的地方

If you look at the site , they ' ve managed to take advantage of all this traffic by adding a few money spinners on the site 你看現場趁他們替這幾個賣點,加上交通的地點

The biggest money spinners he has found so far are running a pub and selling second - hand clothing 到目前為止,他發現最賺錢的生意是開小酒吧,賣二手衣服。

In the west province the money spinner is cocoa 在西部省份,賺錢的產品是可可。